Sunday, May 6, 2007

I Was Just Assuming You Didn't Want To Die

It's been a couple of days, but I'm back.

Luckily I didn't have to have any surgery. It's a little late for the procedure to be done and they said it basically fixed itself. I don't know how it did it in a day, but everything is looking good. Emma and Olivia have even started to catch up in size a bit and the fluid surrounding each baby is starting to even out. That is the best news I have ever heard!

Ricky and I have a new obsession. Lost. If you haven't seen the show, you should definately go out and rent it, or nextflix it. We netflixed the first disk of the first season and that night went out and bought the entire first season. We'll be getting the second season tomorrow because we've got two episodes left of season one. I'm telling you, obsessed probably doesn't accurately describe it!

My mom came up to visit today. She took me out shopping for some more clothes. A lot of the shirts that I have don't fit anymore. A few do, but I'm having to do laundry like crazy. So, we went to Ross and the mall and I got some cute stuff. Mom also got Em and Liv some really cute outfits. They have duckies on them and one has cows. I heart duckies! Mom also got us a stroller. It was really hard to find a stroller for two, but we did. It's really nice, but it's hard to's so long. I'll have to work on my stroller driving abilities before the girls get here or I'm going to knock them into everything.

I was really sick earlier. I don't know what was going on. After mom left Ricky and I had some chips and cheese dip and watched more Lost. In the middle of an episode, I got what felt like a really bad cramping stomach ache. My back hurt too. So Ricky and I layed down and took a two hour nap. I think they might have been braxton hicks contractions, but I really don't know. If I was having contractions I wouldn't know it because I've never felt them before. Such is life. After the nap I took a bath and was fine. I've been fine ever since then.

Britney Marie

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