Sunday, July 8, 2007

Now What?

Here it is, a week since I was first admitted to the hospital, and I am still here. I found out yesterday that I am anemic. So they had to stick me with another IV and give me two days worth of iron. I am also currently taking an iron pill, a blood pressure pill, 800mg of motrin, percocet, and a few others that I can't remember what exactly it is that they do.

Olivia has jaundice. Well, she had it, and could still have it, we're not sure yet. They're supposed to do the test for it later on today and we'll find out whether or not she has to go back under the lamp to try to fix it. I can't remember if I mentioned it or not in the last post, but Olivia has been in the NICU for the past week. She has gone down from 3lbs 12oz to 3lbs 9oz. They had originally had been giving her oxygen (in the nose tubes, not the ventillator) but she got to come off of those the other day. She was also being fed through an IV when she didn't eat as much as they wanted her to (one oz) but she got to have the IV removed yesterday. Now they're saying they might have to put it back in.

Emma is here with us, she was in the NICU for a couple of days, but with her weight and ability to eat and maintain body temperature, she was released. I don't know if that was such a good idea. She was doing so well. Now it seems like every time someone comes to help us (my mom or Ricky's mom for example) we have trouble with her once they leave. Like today. My mom was here for the past two days. We haven't had hardly any trouble with Emma eating or spitting up. She even started eating more than she had that Mom is gone, she seems to spit up so much. And it's not at every's after one and we put her down to sleep, we look over and she's just spit up all over the place for no reason. She has gone from 4lbs 14oz to 4lbs 7oz. One more oz and that will be her 10% lost and I don't know if they'll want to put her back in the NICU or not.

I am so worried about both our girls. Things are not going well here. I know that Ricky is really worried about all three of us. It seems like everyday we get some piece of bad medical news and one of us has to have some sort of treatment. I honestly don't know when we're going to get to go home. And even if we do get to go home sometime soon, I don't know if one or both our girls are coming with us. I don't like that one bit.

And to make matters worse, I've already started to get the "baby blues". Just waiting the proper two weeks before I can actually call it post-partum depression like I know it's going to be. Ugh.

I can only imagine what tomorrow has in store.

Britney Marie

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