Friday, February 8, 2008

Romantic Rambo

My life is boring. There has been nothing interesting to write about. Ricky and I have been playing a lot of Guitar Hero, I've been watching a lot of tv on dvd, and the twins have been growing like weeds. I can't believe they're already 7-months old! I can't believe the things they're doing. They both flip over from their backs to their stomachs constantly, but can't seem to go the other way. Every morning when I go in there to get them out of bed I'm greeted by the biggest "dubba toof" (as Ricky says) grins! Oh, oh, and SuperChunk has a third tooth coming in. One on top. Now Ricky calls her "trippa toof". SubChunk doesn't look like she's getting a third tooth for a while now, but I'm sure it won't be too long.

Tomorrow my dad and step-mom are coming in for the day. Ricky and I get to go on a date. I guess it's going to count as our Valentine's Day date because we won't be able to get away from the kids on the actual holiday. We're planning on going to dinner and then a movie. Not sure about the restaurant, but we're going to see the new Rambo movie. How romantic. :)

Britney Marie

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